Saturday, April 16, 2011

Digital Storytelling, Visual Math, & TV

      Digital storytelling was very interesting to me. I had not seen it done before I would of thought of it as a play. In a digital storytelling you need to have a begging, middle, and end just like a written story. A digital storytelling activity provides students with the opportunity to work collaboratively in a variety of roles. It also shows that no role is more important than another. If one part is not played right the whole production will show that the group did not work in a team. Using the digital storytelling in the classroom would be great I would defiantly try it out. It would be a different way to teach the student that working together can pay off at the end. I believe that the student would be engaged and eager to learn when using technology equipment.
     Methods to use to visualize mathematical ideas would be using the computer. We can also use programs though the computer called Mathematica and Mathlab Another way that student can visualize math concept would be using the graphing calculator. The students will be able to see how the numbers they input in the calculator will be on a graph. Another thing I read in the book that can help make real is the Geometric Supposer which is a tool for making and testing conjectures in geometry through the process of constructing and manipulating geometric objects and exploring the relationship within and between the objects.
      Watching can be very entertaining but has for me learning something new can not be learned only from watching TV. How would I be able to ask questions? Another thing I would get tired of rewinding the recording on the TV to make sure I am doing the right thing. I know that many students learn the wrong things from watching TV but that is because the parent is not watching them when they are watching TV. When it comes to watching something that they really need to know about life or learning something new the students mind shuts down. I know that not all the students are not the same but the majority think in similar ways.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I could learn only from Television but I think it is a great tool. Think of how we watch videos and read lectures online, using the television would be similar. As far as rewinding, technology is also expanding on our televisions and if you have a DVR/TeVO/DVD recorders it is just as easy to stop/pause your television as it is your computer screen. The question and answer part would be difficult as you mentioned. This may not be a good means of educating all students but some may benefit; every student learns differently.
