Saturday, March 26, 2011


     A podcast is a series of digital files that are released often through the web. They are created by someone and you can take it where you want to watch it. Another think that I found interesting is that we do not have to wait the episode to come one a certain time you can watch it where and when ever you wish. I would use it in the classroom to show the students how to do problems using different methods used around the world.
     Podcasting is a little similar to the blogger. You show people what you want. The difference is that all you need to use the podcast is a microphone and a recorder. So you can make you play or movie. Once your done your follows automatically get your new posting and they can watch it where ever they wish.
     As or right now i have not ever had a Ipod or MP3 player, it just has not been to great, many of you can understand. but if i had one i would love to learn how to use everything so i can use it in the classroom. My brother has an Ipod and he has showed me all the different things that he can do with it. One lesson that i have thought about to use podcast in the classroom would be great when taking about the different cultures around the world. I could show them videos in how the people dress and the favorite food that they like to eat.
     One thing is that it is great that we have all theses things that we can do online. We are living it right now that we can get a degree of online or even take course like we are. Their is something that we need to be careful with when using the devices in the classroom, The teacher should always have a back up plan. Because the equipment can break down or you might have a problem with the connection. Working with the new high tech equipment is great, we as teachers just to understand that we are always need to have other plans if stuff goes wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that technology can be extremely useful and convenient, but we do need a backup plan. Technology is quick and can help keep students engaged. Most students love using technology, but they also like one on one interaction with their educators.
