Saturday, February 26, 2011

Assessment & E-Portfolio

I have learned that assessment is the process of gathering and analyzing data to determine if intended learning outcomes have been achieved. (Page 219, par. 3) We use the assessment activities to determine where student’s strengths and weakness are. The assessment helps the teacher what she needs to work on with the student. Have a technology assessment is a different way to assess a student. We might even found out that the student understands what we are talking about but does not work well when they are taking a test. Assessments are very important in a classroom and a technology assessment is a new way for teachers to get the feedback they need in order to help the student.
            An e-portfolio is a collection of digitized artifacts which can include video clips, graphics, writing samples, and multimedia presentations. E-portfolios help the students organize and display their work. It can help teachers assess the students learning while also assessing their work. Computer-based is used to simplify the testing process for teachers. The student uses a computer to take a test other than the traditional paper version. In a way, computer-based testing does impact validity because there can always be errors in grading. Reliability can also be affected because there is always the possibility of the computer going down at any time while taking the test. I have taken test by the computer and I find it hard because if you stay on the computer to long your eyes and back start to hurt but that just could be me.
            In this chapter I have learned a lot about assessment in the classroom. I t is very important and technology is trying to make it easier for the teachers to get the result quick. I do believe that an assessment is better when it is given on paper. Because on the paper a student can show their strategies that they are using to get the answer. We can see where they are messing up on the problem. On a computer it is a lot easier to guess on an answer just to get it over with. As or the e-portfolio is this new to me. I want to learn more and I cannot wait to see how mine comes out at the end of the semester. I would want my students to be creative when creating an e-portfolio.   

Jonassen, DJ, Howland, JH, Marra, RM, & Crismond, DC (28). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

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